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What Does this Website do? is developed to provide assistance for planning, creating and updating documentation on IT processes. It does this by providing content on the website and enabling users to open tickets for documentation help.

Why is Documentation Important?

IT process documentation is important for sharing information and updating knowledge among members of the same team, and can take many forms. It could be collating information from support tickets into a report, or updating the process of reaching out to a customer contact. It allows for all members of an organization to be on the same page even if the documentation is a Slack channel, Sharepoint page or word document. While shortages of time and resources can mean documentation isn’t created or updated frequently, this can be tracked as an issue or shared among the team members so that its prioritization can be increased to reduce risks and avoid wasting time.

Indentifying Places to Share Information

Creating and updating documentation isn’t just dealing with static information on an internal website, but now encompasses both mobile and traditional PC environments, as well as communication platforms like Microsoft Teams. With the goal of improving a process or creating a new process, the information can be shared among different channels and even in meetings and recorded chats.

When members of the organization implement the new process, they can give feedback on ways to improve it, and their job should improve by some metrics as well. Arranging a feedback loop in the team should help to adjust the process as time goes on and correct any issues if they develop.